Friday, September 14, 2012

Exercise Update

The exercise program is actually going better than expected.  Of course, I'm investing more in it -- personally invested, in addition to time and  money -- than I have before, so that's encouraging.

A lot of this is simply managing expectations.  I know I harp on this all the time, but you have to define your goal in order to achieve your goal.  This time, the goal is fitness.  It's not about numbers.  It's not about a dress size or what the scale says.  It's about what the body feels.  Can I do what I want to do with this body?  If not, what do I have to do in order to get there?

I have a workout buddy with the same goals and the same level of commitment, and that makes a huge difference.  I would point out the "obvious," because I missed it before: if your workout buddy doesn't have the same goals and commitment you do, find another workout buddy.  That's critical to your success.

We're doing this together, so we have the same fitness trainer and nutritional coach (who were able to give us a better price because of working in "doubles") and a great facility that is open 24/7 except for the pool and hot tub, which are "only" open 5AM to midnight.  (No 2AM swims?  How antediluvian!)

Today we did cardio in the pool, and I willingly admit that this was the most enjoyable cardio I've done.  We did "grapevine" laps in the four-foot pool.  Yes, we danced back and forth in chest-deep water for half an hour.  No pain in my arthritic knees.  We carried on a conversation the entire time, even as we struggled for balance now and then.  I can feel it in my core and butt, and it feels GOOD, not painful.

Finding a good exercise routine puts me one step closer to enjoying the hike on the glacier!

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